
2024年 12月 24日08:29:45介绍上海外滩的导游词(通用3篇)已关闭评论 7

介绍上海外滩的导游词 篇1























介绍上海外滩的导游词 篇2

The Bund, located on the Bank of Huangpu River in the Central District ofShanghai, is a scenic spot in Shanghai and a must for tourists to Shanghai. TheBund, also known as zhongshangdong 1st Road, is about 1.5 km long. FacingHuangpu River in the East and 52 buildings with different styles, such asGothic, Roman, Baroque, Chinese and western wall style, in the west, are knownas the "World Architecture Expo Group".

Facing the open mother river, Huangpu River, the Bund leans back on thebuildings with rigorous modeling and different styles. Because of its uniquegeographical location and its influence on Shanghai and even China in the fieldof economic activities in the past century, it has a very rich culturalconnotation. The Bund's riverside, levee, green belt and beautiful buildingsconstitute the street view, which is the most characteristic Shanghai landscape.In the morning, the Bund is a place for people to keep fit; in the daytime, itis a bustling tourist attraction; in the evening, it is a place for lovers tofall in love. When the lights start to shine, the buildings on the Bund areresplendent, like crystal palaces, which make tourists at home and abroadmarvel. Strolling here, we appreciate the style of Huangpu River, the motherriver of Shanghai, overlook the new appearance of Lujiazui area on the otherside of Pudong, feel the different flavor of metropolitan gardens among greentrees and flower beds, and enjoy the rare fresh air and sunshine in ametropolis.

The Bund got its name

Huangpu River is the largest river flowing through Shanghai. The source ofHuangpu River is located in Longwangshan nature reserve, Anji, ZhejiangProvince. As the Huangpu River is connected to the sea, it is affected by tides.On average, there are obvious rising and falling tides twice a day. The waterlevel drop in a day can reach more than 4 meters. In case of astronomical springtide, the water level drop will be even greater. (as for the source of HuangpuRiver, some said it was in Dianshan Lake, others said it was in Taihu Lake.However, it is rare to see lakes as the source of rivers in the world geography.Moreover, Taihu Lake is a shallow lake basin with water from many sources, whichcan not be regarded as a complete source. Only by finding the source of TaihuLake can we find the real source of Huangpu River. After investigation andresearch, Xitiaoxi, located at the foot of Longwang mountain, has a drainagearea of 2800 square kilometers with a length of 145 kilometers, 1.8 billioncubic meters of water. Its water supply accounts for 70% of Taihu Lake's watersupply, making it the first water source of Taihu Lake. Longwang mountain is thesource of Huangpu River. )

150 years ago, Shanghai was only a medium-sized County along the coast ofthe south of the Yangtze River. The shipping industry was very underdeveloped,and people did not have the necessity or ability to build embankments along theriver. Therefore, most of the river banks were natural beaches except theHuangpu River bank in Dongmen. At ebb tide, the river water stagnates in thecenter of the riverbed, exposing a large area of beach. At high tide, the rivernever crossed the bank. Huangpu River is the main channel of Shanghai. Becausethe river is wide and the water is fast, ships going against the river have topull their boats. For hundreds of years, the track of the trackers has steppedon a winding path on the Huangpu River beach, which is known as the "trackway",which is the earliest Road on the Bund.

In terms of place names used in Shanghai, the upstream of the river isgenerally called "Li", and the downstream of the river is called "Wai". Forexample, people in Shanghai today are used to call Hanyang road and Bridge onHongkou port "Lihong bridge", Changzhi Road and bridge "Zhonghong bridge", andDaming Road and bridge "Waihong bridge", which is named according to thelocation of the river where the bridge is located. Similarly, the first bridgeof the Suzhou River entering the Huangpu River estuary is called "Wai Bai Dubridge". The bridge in turn is also commonly known as the "Li Bai Du bridge"(now Zhapu Luqiao) and the three Bai Du bridge (now Sichuan Luqiao). Forexample, based on the county seat, the place close to the city is called "Li",and the place far away from the city is called "Wai". Today's southern urbanarea is named "lixiangua Street" and "waixiangua Street"; "Licang bridge" and"waicang bridge" are named after this.

The Huangpu River near the county seat of Shanghai forms a sharp bend atthe exit of Lujiabang, so the Shanghainese take Lujiabang as the boundary. Itsupstream is called "lihuangpu" and its downstream is called "waihuangpu". Thebeaches in lihuangpu are called "lihuangpu Beach" for short, and the beaches inwaihuangpu are called "waihuangpu Beach" for short.

After 1840, Shanghai, as one of the five trading ports, opened to theoutside world. In 1845, the British colonialists seized the Bund and establishedthe British concession. In 1849, French colonists also seized the Bund andestablished the French concession. From then on to the early 1940s, the Bund wasoccupied by the British concession and the French concession, and was called"the Bund of the British concession" and "the Bund of France" respectively. TheMinistry of industry of the public concession and the Council of the FrenchConcession are their highest municipal organizations and leading bodiesrespectively.

The concession is like a sovereign area, and the Western powers operate andmanage it in their way. With the construction of the concession, the Bund becamethe earliest and most prosperous place in the concession. In the early days, theBund was a center of foreign trade, where there were many foreign companies andtrade flourished. Since the late 19th century, many foreign and Chinese bankshave been established on the Bund, which has become Shanghai's "FinancialStreet" and also known as "Oriental Wall Street".

As a result, the Bund has become a "geomantic treasure land". Owning apiece of land on the Bund is not only a symbol of wealth, but also a symbol ofreputation. After commercial banks and financial enterprises occupied a place inthe Bund, they built the company building. Most of the buildings on the Bundhave been rebuilt for three or more times. Architects from all over the worldhave shown their skills here, making the Bund, which is not large in area,gather more than 20 buildings of different periods, different countries anddifferent styles. Therefore, the Bund is also known as the "World ArchitectureExpo".

For more than a hundred years, the Bund has always appeared in front of theworld as a symbol of Shanghai. It is the pride of the people of Shanghai. Itshows the world the culture of Shanghai and the excellent ability of integratingforeign civilization with local civilization, innovating and developing.

介绍上海外滩的导游词 篇3

Tourists friend you are good!

Now we came to Shanghai bund across the huangpu river, first of all, I to your visit welcomed the bund, and wish every travel time.

New bund article were five travel route, on your left is known as the "all nations building expo" grand buildings and spacious zhongshan road, your right hand side is the shimmering huangpu river and the beautiful pudong lujia ornament financial and trade zone, the eyes for novel and unique tourism recreational area. This complex, zhongshan road, sightseeing area, the huangpu river, as if the music lujiazui, Shanghai people are industrious staff like clusters of operators, is between the latest and most colorful movement, welcome to the guests.

The bund it used to be Shanghai residences of the a ruined reed land.

1840 years after the first opium war, keep the doors were opened, the colonists shelling Shanghai also forced to bi commercial port. From then on, all kinds of western architecture with the colonists were subordinate to the stands, 30 s, from Shanghai has little beach towns have had become the far east. The largest cities

With these eyes of European Renaissance period style of architecture, though not by the same design of the hands, is not built in a s, but their architectural style is so harmony, "tiancheng. From the east to the bund jinling BaiDuQiao only 1.5 kilometers long arc, on any account is strewn at random, rows 52 house stands in different style of architecture, a British, French, ancient Greek, etc. When many foreign Banks, always, consulate, etc, have gathered here from the Oriental "Wall Street", which is a form of old Shanghai semi-colonial and semi-feudal society of a miniature history.

You see, the new bund 2 # dongfeng hotel, in the past, it was very famous British always, it is a typical British greco-roman architecture. The high building have 6 layers (even in the basement), the roof at each end north and south have looked out on a pavilion, interior is gorgeous. One floor to bar was 110.7 feet of the east because it has the longest bar and a proud, ark of KFC fast-food restaurants in America today inside.

New bund 12 # before is famous "HSBC bank", the building was built in 1923, is in the Grecian domes archaize. Building is close to the rectangular building, high square five layers, plus the top half spherical layer top food have seven layer, steel frame structure. Inside the building adornment is very exquisite, with the United States, Britain, France, Russia, Japan and other countries all kinds of the reception room. The building britons called himself "from the Suez Canal to the far east the bering strait" a most exquisite architecture.

Close to HSBC side of the building is the Shanghai customs house, for the 19 th century of socialist construction, restore ancient ways was established in 1927 to today's world has to Abraham fierce. The building of the above all can see around the clock, as every 15 minutes played a short melodious song, bell deep, the voice to 10 kilometers away.

HSBC bank building and customs building was out of British designer after Wilson, Shanghai affectionately called them "sisters floor", now still is one of the important signs of Shanghai.

Nanjing east road two building mouth are called the peace hotel. Sit in the north of the building was built in 1906, was called in, is the Shanghai hotel remit the existent earliest a hotel. It can be used as a historic buildings of the Renaissance, British text type. The biggest characteristic is to make the color red brick facade make lumbar line, white wall brick stick a face, do the long distance is grave and elegant, and unique style, is really a rare excellent work.

The bund of these buildings. Is China's labor people are industrious and the crystallization of wisdom. At the same time also reflect the western colonists on Shanghai's rob and aggression. Now in order to make people know about the history of these buildings. Each building door hang in both Chinese and English are against the nameplate.

For the bund. From Shanghai to her call also with the passage of time and change. From Shanghai to the bund called old bund before liberation. After liberation. Now people called the bund praise for her new bund. History happened DuoCi race to the scene of the bund. But every time has a totally different historical significance. Since the third plenary session of the since China's reform and opening up. Also the strategic focus south to north. The development of pudong and revitalize the make Shanghai came to the forefront of the reform and opening up the sleepy. When the spring breeze blows of the bund of Shanghai DuoNian. Chinese and foreign financial institutions have also preempted the bund. Shanghai made "qing nest YinFeng" major step. Will the bund financial street houses big replacement. The "old customers to attract both at home and abroad to come to settle." far east "Wall Street" to show the elegant demeanour.

The bund is the symbol of Shanghai. It is also the place of both Chinese and foreign visitors will come to. But in the past due to the narrow road. The traffic from the crowded. Serious impact on the overall image. In order to change the bund in the face of the beach. The Shanghai people's government to try to transform the bund as the key. Eyes of the road says all the way is to commemorate the zhongshan. China's democratic revolution pioneer of dr. Sun yat-sen named after the comprehensive reform. Also the bund. Which part of the length of 826 m. 45 meters wide. Set 6 to 10 lanes. That is a broad transit not limited to the bund area. It along with the reform and opening-up continues to expand. North up jiangwan wujiaochang. South is worth Nanpu Bridge. To the next century. This article 15 kilometers north and south corridor. Will become the symbol of the Shanghai tourism landscape.

We go now it the binjiang avenue have characteristics. It not only set culture. Green in a body is in the morning. And people exercise is a good place. The day sightseeing tourists at home and abroad is the heaven and earth. Night is the lovers love ideal place. Heard that there are many foreign friends have traveled to come to experience life.

Overlook the other side, pudong lujiazui financial and trade zone and the bund of Shanghai city, its function is a financial, trade and foreign service, it will be the core of the new Shanghai and symbolism. "East bund" binjiang avenue, a total length of 2500 meters, with travel, tourism and entertainment, as one, along the way with six characteristic square. Although now only smell the rumble, but sound piling into sound, is one of the most magnificent on staff movement, the forecast the bund better future.